
Alternative Augeas-based providers for Puppet

Browse collection: herculesteam

Latest version: 2.1.3 (changelog)






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Manifest examples

Examples are given below for each of the providers and custom types in augeasproviders.

apache_directive provider

This is a custom type and provider supplied by augeasproviders.

manage simple entry

apache_directive { "StartServers":
  args   => 4,
  ensure => present,

delete entry

apache_directive { "ServerName":
  args   => "",
  ensure => absent,

manage entry in another config location

apache_directive { "SetEnv":
  args        => ["SPECIAL_PATH", "/foo/bin"],
  args_params => 1,
  ensure      => present,
  target      => "/etc/httpd/conf.d/app.conf",

The SetEnv directive is not unique per scope: the first arg identifies the entry we want to update, and needs to be taken into account. For this reason, we set args_params to 1.

set a value in a given context

apache_directive { 'StartServers for mpm_prefork_module':
  ensure      => present,
  name        => 'StartServers',
  context     => 'IfModule[arg="mpm_prefork_module"]',
  args        => 4,

The directive is nested in the context of the mpm_prefork_module module, so we specify this with the context parameter.

The value of StartServers for the mpm_prefork_module module will be set/updated to 4. Note that the IfModule entry will not be created if it is missing.

apache_setenv provider

This is a custom type and provider supplied by augeasproviders.

manage simple entry

apache_setenv { "SPECIAL_PATH":
  ensure => present,
  value  => "/foo/bin",

manage entry with no value

apache_setenv { "ENABLE_FOO":
  ensure  => present,

delete entry

apache_setenv { "SPECIAL_PATH":
  ensure => absent,

manage entry in another config location

apache_setenv { "SPECIAL_PATH":
  ensure => present,
  value  => "/foo/bin",
  target => "/etc/httpd/conf.d/app.conf",

host provider

This is a provider for a type distributed in Puppet core: host type reference.

The provider needs to be explicitly given as augeas to use augeasproviders.

The comment parameter is only supported on Puppet 2.7 and higher.

manage simple entry

host { "example":
  ensure   => present,
  ip       => "",
  provider => augeas,

manage entry with aliases and comment

host { "example":
  ensure       => present,
  ip           => "",
  host_aliases => [ "foo-a", "foo-b" ],
  comment      => "test",
  provider     => augeas,

manage entry in another location

host { "example":
  ensure   => present,
  ip       => "",
  target   => "/etc/anotherhosts",
  provider => augeas,

delete entry

host { "iridium":
  ensure   => absent,
  provider => augeas,

remove aliases

host { "iridium":
  ensure       => present,
  host_aliases => [],
  provider     => augeas,

remove comment

host { "argon":
  ensure   => present,
  comment  => "",
  provider => augeas,

kernel_parameter provider

This is a custom type and provider supplied by augeasproviders. It supports both GRUB Legacy (0.9x) and GRUB 2 configurations.

manage parameter without value

kernel_parameter { "quiet":
  ensure => present,

manage parameter with value

kernel_parameter { "elevator":
  ensure  => present,
  value   => "deadline",

manage parameter with multiple values

kernel_parameter { "rd_LVM_LV":
  ensure  => present,
  value   => ["vg/lvroot", "vg/lvvar"],

manage parameter on certain boot types

Bootmode defaults to “all”, so settings are applied for all boot types usually.

Apply only to normal boots:

kernel_parameter { "quiet":
  ensure   => present,
  bootmode => "normal",

Only recovery mode boots (unsupported with GRUB 2):

kernel_parameter { "quiet":
  ensure   => present,
  bootmode => "recovery",

delete entry

kernel_parameter { "rhgb":
  ensure => absent,

manage parameter in another config location

kernel_parameter { "elevator":
  ensure => present,
  value  => "deadline",
  target => "/mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst",

mailalias provider

This is a provider for a type distributed in Puppet core: mailalias type reference.

The provider needs to be explicitly given as augeas to use augeasproviders.

manage simple entry

mailalias { "example":
  ensure    => present,
  recipient => "bar",
  provider  => augeas,

manage entry with multiple recipients

mailalias { "example":
  ensure    => present,
  recipient => [ "fred", "bob" ],
  provider  => augeas,

manage entry in another location

mailalias { "example":
  ensure    => present,
  recipient => "bar",
  target    => "/etc/anotheraliases",
  provider  => augeas,

delete entry

mailalias { "mailer-daemon":
  ensure   => absent,
  provider => augeas,

mounttab provider

This is a provider for a type distributed in the puppetlabs-mount_providers module.

The provider needs to be explicitly given as augeas to use augeasproviders.

If editing a vfstab entry, slightly different options need to be passed compared to a fstab entry.

manage simple fstab entry

mounttab { "/mnt":
  ensure   => present,
  device   => "/dev/myvg/mytest",
  fstype   => "ext4",
  options  => "defaults",
  provider => augeas,

manage full fstab entry

mounttab { "/mnt":
  ensure   => present,
  device   => "/dev/myvg/mytest",
  fstype   => "ext4",
  options  => ["nosuid", "uid=12345"],
  dump     => "1",
  pass     => "2",
  provider => augeas,

manage fstab entry with default options

mounttab { "/mnt":
  ensure   => present,
  device   => "/dev/myvg/mytest",
  fstype   => "ext4",
  provider => augeas,

delete fstab entry

mounttab { "/":
  ensure   => absent,
  provider => augeas,

manage entry in another fstab location

mounttab { "/home":
  ensure   => present,
  device   => "/dev/myvg/mytest",
  target   => "/etc/anotherfstab",
  provider => augeas

manage device in fstab entry only

mounttab { "/home":
  ensure   => present,
  device   => "/dev/myvg/mytest",
  provider => augeas

Note: dump and pass are both changing unless explicitly specified, see issue #16122.

manage fstype in fstab entry only

mounttab { "/home":
  ensure   => present,
  fstype   => "btrfs",
  provider => augeas,

manage options in fstab entry only

mounttab { "/home":
  ensure   => present,
  options  => "nosuid",
  provider => augeas,

manage complex options in fstab entry only

mounttab { "/home":
  ensure   => present,
  options  => [
  provider => augeas,

remove options from fstab entry

mounttab { "/home":
  ensure   => present,
  options  => [],
  provider => augeas,

manage simple vfstab entry

mounttab { "/mnt":
  ensure   => present,
  device   => "/dev/dsk/c1t1d1s1",
  fstype   => "ufs",
  atboot   => "yes",
  provider => augeas,

manage full vfstab entry

mounttab { "/mnt":
  ensure      => present,
  device      => "/dev/dsk/c1t1d1s1",
  blockdevice => "/dev/foo/c1t1d1s1",
  fstype      => "ufs",
  pass        => "2",
  atboot      => "yes",
  options     => [ "nosuid", "nodev" ],
  provider    => augeas,

manage vfstab entry with default options

mounttab { "/mnt":
  ensure   => present,
  device   => "/dev/myvg/mytest",
  fstype   => "ext4",
  provider => augeas,

delete vfstab entry

mounttab { "/":
  ensure   => absent,
  provider => augeas,

remove options from vfstab entry

mounttab { "/home":
  ensure   => present,
  options  => [],
  provider => augeas,

nrpe_command provider

This is a custom type and provider supplied by augeasproviders.

manage entry

nrpe_command { "check_spec_test":
  ensure  => present,
  command => "/usr/bin/check_my_thing -p 'some command with \"multiple [types]\" of quotes' -x and-stuff",

delete entry

nrpe_command { "check_test":
  ensure => absent,

pam provider

This is a custom type and provider supplied by augeasproviders.

manage simple entry

pam { "Set sss entry to system-auth auth":
  ensure    => present,
  service   => 'system-auth',
  type      => 'auth',
  control   => 'sufficient',
  module    => '',
  arguments => 'use_first_pass',
  position  => 'before module',

manage same entry but with Augeas xpath

pam { "Set sss entry to system-auth auth":
  ensure    => present,
  service   => 'system-auth',
  type      => 'auth',
  control   => 'sufficient',
  module    => '',
  arguments => 'use_first_pass',
  position  => 'before *[type="auth" and module=""]',

delete entry

pam { "Remove sss auth entry from system-auth":
  ensure  => absent,
  service => 'system-auth',
  type    => 'auth',
  module  => '',

delete all references to module in file

pam { "Remove all from system-auth":
  ensure  => absent,
  service => 'system-auth',
  module  => '',

manage entry in another pam service

pam { "Set cracklib limits in password-auth":
  ensure    => present,
  service   => 'password-auth',
  type      => 'password',
  module    => '',
  arguments => ['try_first_pass','retry=3', 'minlen=10'],

manage entry like previous but in classic pam.conf

pam { "Set cracklib limits in password-auth":
  ensure    => present,
  service   => 'password-auth',
  type      => 'password',
  module    => '',
  arguments => ['try_first_pass','retry=3', 'minlen=10'],
  target    => '/etc/pam.conf',

allow multiple entries with same control value

pam { "Set invalid login 3 times deny in password-auth -fail":
  ensure           => present,
  service          => 'password-auth',
  type             => 'auth',
  control          => '[default=die]',
  control_is_param => true,
  module           => '',
  arguments        => ['authfail','deny=3','unlock_time=604800','fail_interval=900'],

pg_hba provider

This is a custom type and provider supplied by augeasproviders.

Composite namevars

This type supports composite namevars in order to easily specify the entry you want to manage. The format for composite namevars is:

local to <user> on <database> [in <target>]

if defining a local (socket) rule, or:

<type> to <user> on <database> from <address> [in <target>]


In each form, in <target> is optional. You can also use a personalized namevar and specify all parameters manually.

manage simple local entry

pg_hba { 'local to all on all':
  ensure => present,
  method => 'md5',
  target => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

manage simple host entry

pg_hba { 'host to all on all from':
  ensure => present,
  method => 'md5',
  target => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

multiple users and databases

pg_hba { 'host to user1,user2 on db1,db2 from':
  ensure => present,
  method => 'md5',
  target => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

pg_hba { 'Allow +foo and @bar to mydb and yourdb':
  ensure   => present,
  user     => ['+foo', '@bar'],
  database => ['mydb', 'yourdb'],
  method   => 'md5',
  target   => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

using a personalized namevar

pg_hba { 'Default entry':
  type     => 'local',
  user     => 'all',
  database => 'all',
  method   => 'md5',
  target   => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

pass options for the method

pg_hba { 'Default entry with option':
  method  => 'ident',
  options => { 'sameuser' => undef },
  target  => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

pg_hba { 'host to all on all from in /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf':
  method  => 'ldap',
  options => {
    'ldapserver' => '',
    'ldaptls'    => '1',
    'ldapprefix' => 'uid=',
    'ldapsuffix' => ',ou=people,dc=example,dc=com',

insert entry in specific position

pg_hba { 'local to all on all':
  ensure   => present,
  method   => 'md5',
  position => 'before first entry',
  target   => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

pg_hba { 'local to all on all':
  ensure   => present,
  method   => 'md5',
  position => 'after last entry',
  target   => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

pg_hba { 'local to all on all':
  ensure   => present,
  method   => 'md5',
  position => 'before last local',
  target   => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

pg_hba { 'local to all on all':
  ensure   => present,
  method   => 'md5',
  position => 'after first hostssl',
  target   => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

pg_hba { 'local to all on all':
  ensure   => present,
  method   => 'md5',
  position => 'after first anyhost', # any type matching host.*
  target   => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

pg_hba { 'local to all on all':
  ensure   => present,
  method   => 'md5',
  position => 'before 5', # Before the fifth entry
  target   => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

pg_hba { 'local to all on all':
  ensure   => present,
  method   => 'md5',
  position => '*[database="all" and user="admin"][1]', # First entry for database 'all' and user 'admin'
  target   => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

ensure position is correct

pg_hba { 'local to all on all':
  ensure   => positioned,
  method   => 'md5',
  position => 'before first entry',
  target   => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

delete entry

pg_hba { 'local to all on all':
  ensure => absent,
  target => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

pg_hba { 'host to all on all from':
  ensure    => absent,
  target => '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf',

puppet_auth provider

This is a custom type and provider supplied by augeasproviders.

It requires the Puppet_Auth.lns lens, which is provided with versions of Augeas strictly greater than 0.10.0.

manage simple entry

puppet_auth { 'Deny /facts':
  ensure        => present,
  path          => '/facts',
  authenticated => 'any',

manage regex entry

puppet_auth { 'Deny ~ ^/facts/([^/]+)$':
  ensure        => present,
  path          => '^/facts/([^/]+)$',
  path_regex    => true,
  authenticated => 'any',

add multiple environments

puppet_auth { 'Allow /facts for prod and dev environments from same client':
  ensure        => present,
  path          => '/facts',
  authenticated => 'any',
  allow         => '$1',
  environments  => ['prod', 'dev'],

ensure an entry is before a given path

ins_after provides the opposite functionality, so an entry is created after a given path.

puppet_auth { 'Allow /facts before first denied rule':
  ensure        => present,
  path          => '/facts',
  authenticated => 'any',
  allow         => '*',
  ins_before    => 'first deny',

delete entry

puppet_auth { 'Remove /facts':
  ensure => absent,
  path   => '/facts',

shellvar provider

This is a custom type and provider supplied by augeasproviders.

manage simple entry

shellvar { "HOSTNAME":
  ensure => present,
  target => "/etc/sysconfig/network",
  value  => "",

shellvar { "disable rsyncd":
  ensure   => present,
  target   => "/etc/default/rsync",
  variable => "RSYNC_ENABLE",
  value    => "false",

shellvar { "ntpd options":
  ensure   => present,
  target   => "/etc/sysconfig/ntpd",
  variable => "OPTIONS",
  value    => "-g -x -c /etc/myntp.conf",

manage entry with comment

shellvar { "HOSTNAME":
  ensure  => present,
  target  => "/etc/sysconfig/network",
  comment => "My server's hostname",
  value   => "",

export values

shellvar { "HOSTNAME":
  ensure  => exported,
  target  => "/etc/sysconfig/network",
  value   => "",

unset values

shellvar { "HOSTNAME":
  ensure  => unset,
  target  => "/etc/sysconfig/network",

force quoting style

Values needing quotes will automatically get them, but they can also be explicitly enabled. Unfortunately the provider doesn’t help with quoting the values themselves.

shellvar { "RSYNC_IONICE":
  ensure   => present,
  target   => "/etc/default/rsync",
  value    => "-c3",
  quoted   => "single",

delete entry

shellvar { "RSYNC_IONICE":
  ensure => absent,
  target => "/etc/default/rsync",

remove comment from entry

shellvar { "HOSTNAME":
  ensure  => present,
  target  => "/etc/sysconfig/network",
  comment => "",

replace commented value with entry

shellvar { "HOSTNAME":
  ensure    => present,
  target    => "/etc/sysconfig/network",
  comment   => "",
  uncomment => true,

array values

You can pass array values to the type.

There are two ways of rendering array values, and the behavior is set using the array_type parameter. array_type takes three possible values:

For example:

shellvar { "PORTS":
  ensure     => present,
  target     => "/etc/default/puppetmaster",
  value      => ["18140", "18141", "18142"],
  array_type => "auto",

will create PORTS="18140 18141 18142" by default, and will change PORTS=(123) to PORTS=("18140" "18141" "18142").

shellvar { "PORTS":
  ensure     => present,
  target     => "/etc/default/puppetmaster",
  value      => ["18140", "18141", "18142"],
  array_type => "string",

will create PORTS="18140 18141 18142" by default, and will change PORTS=(123) to PORTS="18140 18141 18142".

shellvar { "PORTS":
  ensure     => present,
  target     => "/etc/default/puppetmaster",
  value      => ["18140", "18141", "18142"],
  array_type => "array",

will create PORTS=("18140" "18141" "18142") by default, and will change PORTS=123 to PORTS=(18140 18141 18142).

Quoting is honored for arrays:

appending to arrays

shellvar { "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX":
  ensure       => present,
  target       => "/etc/default/grub",
  value        => "cgroup_enable=memory",
  array_append => true,

will change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash cgroup_enable=memory".

shellvar { "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX":
  ensure       => present,
  target       => "/etc/default/grub",
  value        => ["quiet", "cgroup_enable=memory"],
  array_append => true,

will also change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash cgroup_enable=memory".

ssh_config provider

This is a custom type and provider supplied by augeasproviders.

manage simple entry

ssh_config { "ForwardAgent":
  ensure => present,
  value  => "yes",

manage array entry

ssh_config { "SendEnv":
  ensure => present,
  value  => ["LC_*", "LANG"],

manage entry for a specific host

ssh_config { "X11Forwarding":
  ensure    => present,
  host      => "",
  value     => "yes",

manage entries with same name for different hosts

ssh_config { "ForwardAgent global":
  ensure => present,
  key    => "ForwardAgent",
  value  => "no",

ssh_config { "ForwardAgent on":
  ensure    => present,
  key       => "ForwardAgent",
  host      => "",
  value     => "yes",

delete entry

ssh_config { "HashKnownHosts":
  ensure => absent,

ssh_config { "BatchMode":
  ensure    => absent,
  host      => "",

manage entry in another ssh_config location

ssh_config { "CheckHostIP":
  ensure => present,
  value  => "yes",
  target => "/etc/ssh/another_sshd_config",

sshd_config provider

This is a custom type and provider supplied by augeasproviders.

manage simple entry

sshd_config { "PermitRootLogin":
  ensure => present,
  value  => "yes",

manage array entry

sshd_config { "AllowGroups":
  ensure => present,
  value  => ["sshgroups", "admins"],

manage entry in a Match block

sshd_config { "X11Forwarding":
  ensure    => present,
  condition => "Host foo User root",
  value     => "yes",

sshd_config { "AllowAgentForwarding":
  ensure    => present,
  condition => "Host *",
  value     => "yes",

manage entries with same name in different blocks

sshd_config { "X11Forwarding global":
  ensure => present,
  key    => "X11Forwarding",
  value  => "no",

sshd_config { "X11Forwarding foo":
  ensure    => present,
  key       => "X11Forwarding",
  condition => "User foo",
  value     => "yes",

sshd_config { "X11Forwarding root":
  ensure    => present,
  key       => "X11Forwarding",
  condition => "User root",
  value     => "no",

delete entry

sshd_config { "PermitRootLogin":
  ensure => absent,

sshd_config { "AllowAgentForwarding":
  ensure    => absent,
  condition => "Host * User *",

manage entry in another sshd_config location

sshd_config { "PermitRootLogin":
  ensure => present,
  value  => "yes",
  target => "/etc/ssh/another_sshd_config",

sshd_config_subsystem provider

This is a custom type and provider supplied by augeasproviders.

manage entry

sshd_config_subsystem { "sftp":
  ensure  => present,
  command => "/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server",

delete entry

sshd_config_subsystem { "sftp":
  ensure => absent,

manage entry in another sshd_config location

sshd_config_subsystem { "sftp":
  ensure  => present,
  command => "/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server",
  target  => "/etc/ssh/another_sshd_config",

sshkey provider

manage entry

sshkey { "":
  ensure  => present,
  type    => "ssh-rsa",
  key     => "AAADEADMEAT",

manage entry with aliases

sshkey { "":
  ensure       => present,
  type         => "ssh-rsa",
  key          => "AAADEADMEAT",
  host_aliases => [ 'foo', '' ],

manage hashed entry

sshkey { "":
  ensure        => present,
  type          => "ssh-rsa",
  key           => "AAADEADMEAT",
  hash_hostname => true,

hash existing entry

sshkey { "":
  ensure        => hashed,
  type          => "ssh-rsa",
  key           => "AAADEADMEAT",
  hash_hostname => true,

delete entry

sshkey { "":
  ensure => absent,

manage entry in another ssh_known_hosts location

sshkey { "":
  ensure  => present,
  type    => "ssh-rsa",
  key     => "AAADEADMEAT",
  target  => "/root/.ssh/known_hosts",

sysctl provider

This is a custom type and provider supplied by augeasproviders.

manage simple entry

sysctl { "net.ipv4.ip_forward":
  ensure => present,
  value  => "1",

manage entry with comment

sysctl { "net.ipv4.ip_forward":
  ensure  => present,
  value   => "1",
  comment => "test",

delete entry

sysctl { "kernel.sysrq":
  ensure => absent,

remove comment from entry

sysctl { "kernel.sysrq":
  ensure  => present,
  comment => "",

manage entry in another sysctl.conf location

sysctl { "net.ipv4.ip_forward":
  ensure => present,
  value  => "1",
  target => "/etc/sysctl.d/forwarding.conf",

do not update value with the sysctl command

sysctl { "net.ipv4.ip_forward":
  ensure => present,
  value  => "1",
  apply  => false,

syslog provider

This is a custom type, with two providers supplied by augeasproviders. A syslog provider handles basic syslog configs, while an rsyslog provider handles the extended rsyslog config (this requires Augeas 1.0.0).

manage entry

syslog { "my test":
  ensure      => present,
  facility    => "local2",
  level       => "*",
  action_type => "file",
  action      => "/var/log/test.log",

manage entry with no file sync

syslog { "cron.*":
  ensure      => present,
  facility    => "cron",
  level       => "*",
  action_type => "file",
  action      => "/var/log/cron",
  no_sync     => true,

manage remote hostname entry

syslog { "my test":
  ensure      => present,
  facility    => "local2",
  level       => "*",
  action_type => "hostname",
  action      => "centralserver",

manage remote hostname entry with port and protocol

syslog { "my test":
  ensure          => present,
  facility        => "local2",
  level           => "*",
  action_type     => "hostname",
  action_port     => "514",
  action_protocol => "tcp",
  action          => "centralserver",

manage user destination entry

syslog { "my test":
  ensure      => present,
  facility    => "local2",
  level       => "*",
  action_type => "user",
  action      => "root",

manage program entry

syslog { "my test":
  ensure      => present,
  facility    => "local2",
  level       => "*",
  action_type => "program",
  action      => "/usr/bin/foo",

delete entry

syslog { "mail.*":
  ensure      => absent,
  facility    => "mail",
  level       => "*",
  action_type => "file",
  action      => "/var/log/maillog",

manage entry in rsyslog

syslog { "my test":
  ensure      => present,
  facility    => "local2",
  level       => "*",
  action_type => "file",
  action      => "/var/log/test.log",
  provider    => "rsyslog",

manage entry in another syslog location

syslog { "my test":
  ensure      => present,
  facility    => "local2",
  level       => "*",
  action_type => "file",
  action      => "/var/log/test.log",
  target      => "/etc/mysyslog.conf",